Bsa martini cadet model
Bsa martini cadet model

bsa martini cadet model

That original BP firing pin setup in the Cadet is very low pressure and oversized and will give you problems, otherwise. PS: when you switch from the original 310 cartridge block face to a high pressure cartridge like the 357 Max, you need to reduce the diameter of the firing pin and put a step down bushing in the block face, then set up the firing so the pin stops on the interior of the block, not the interior of the bushing, then replace the firing pin spring with a new spring so you eliminate primer blow out. I am going to retire fairly soon, so perhaps.


Of course with a full up shop, now, I could probably build one or two 2 prong type extractors on my Bridgeport with a bit of time. It is the one spare part that is difficult to find in the US. I understand the little spring often broke.


I have had in hand the rimless extractor for a Cadet, the one side spring loaded with a brad as a hinge pin, made in the 50s or 60s, it is OK but would be a project to build without a starting full extractor, plus finding or building a plain extractor as a start for a Cadet is like finding or making hens teeth. Now I did not mention the 30 Herrett because the 7.62x39 is more common, but the 30 H is or can be loaded to easily duplicate 7.62x39 round and is based on the 30-30 or 225. There was a whole line of these cartridges with the 7mm being about the best of the line.

bsa martini cadet model

Better is the 7mm max (357 max necked to 7mm), I also owned one of those in an XL. I owned a 270 Ren, in an XL, the case is a Jim Rock invention (RPM, maker of the XL), it suffers from lack of capacity. If I ever felt inclined to use extreme pressures in the Cadets which have Francotte's Patent Cocking Indicator, I believe I would dispense with that and weld up or silver solder a filler block into its recess in the side of the breechblock. But I think that style needs more width than the Australian Cadets. Von Gruff's sublime wood, above, looks very good with its step down from receiver width, and drop points. But they look better, if the stock isn't to be rather thin. I don't think we need the thicker sides of the late rimfire for strength, with any cartridge and load within the realms of sanity. In Australia it should neatly bridge a gap we don't really have in the UK, being suitable both for birds and rabbits and for the smaller sizes of those bouncing things. 270 barrels somewhere, nor much worn beyond the throat. 270REN, which is just what you get by straightening out the. It would be possible to plane this away, using a home-made chisel bevelled on one side only, and a steel block with a growing succession of shims moving it forward in the receiver mortice.Ī cartridge I don't believe anybody has mentioned is the. At least the late ones have a full-width extractor all the way to the top, with a semicircular cutout for the cartridge, while the true Cadets have two limbs extending on either side of a lump of receiver metal. While rimless extractors can be made for the small Martini, I would prefer not to, and I think it can be avoided for about every calibre they make barrels in.Ī good rimless conversion is easiest for the rimfires. The trouble with the 7.62x39, and the convenience of its off-the-peg dies and reamer, is that I don't believe there is any rimmed case that can be used to make it. Mmmm tried to upload some pics but cast boolits seems to be uncooperative at the moment My metal work is coming along nicely go about 20hours invested in filing, and sanding to 320 grit so far ,will progress through 400 and then 600 and a final polish with simichrome for a high gloss finish, then the blueing. Not sure that style of stock would suit a cadet action but would be ok for a large frame Martini due to the longer lever. I am itching to do a stock in the Hagn falling block style I am looking for a cadet action but will take the 20 cal VarTarg barrel off my X R 100 and convert it to rimmed 20 VT and make myself a very light walkabout varminter for the country I now habitually hunt for rabbits. Do I see some ateampted enabling going on here? [smilie=l:

Bsa martini cadet model